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How to avoid Long Term Capital Gain - Investing in Specified Bonds


Long Term Capital Gain:

If an asset was held for more than one year, then sold for a gain, is a Long Term Capital Gain(LTCG) includes conversion of capital asset into stock in trade.

Tax Rate:

Taxed at the rate of 20%.


Income tax act allows deduction in respect of LTCGs if invested in Long Term Specified Assets Long Term Specified Assets:

Any bond issued by

  • National Highway Authority of India

  • Rural Electrification Corporation Limited

Quantum of Deduction:

  • Case 1: If the amount invested in specified asset >= Capital gain then entire capital gain is exempt

  • Case 2: If the amount invested in specified asset < Capital gain then to the extent of amount invested

  • Maximum to the extent of INR 50 Lacs

Conditions For Availing Exemption:

  • The investment has to be made within a period of 6 months from the end of the month in which the transfer takes place.

  • The specified asset should not be transferred within a period of 3 years from the date of investment

Consequences of Conversion/transfer of new assets (before 3 years):

  • Shall be treated as income of the year in which it is transferred and charged to capital gain tax.

  • Taking loan/advance against the security of the new asset would amount to conversion of new asset into money.

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